Jack Canfield Shares Five Keys to Outrageous Success
as a Transformational Trainer, Speaker or Coach

...and how to help a lot of people and make a good living doing it!

Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, author of The Success Principles, Chicken Soup for the Soul series and featured on The Secret

Steve Harrison
Steve Harrison has helped 15,000 experts promote their books, products and services.
Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, shares how he’s developed a successful speaking, training and coaching career, spanning over 4 rewarding decades.

You're invited to a free 2-hour Online Web Event on Wednesday, October 30th to hear Steve Harrison interview Jack Canfield about the strategies he's used to become an internationally recognized speaker, celebrated transformational trainer and wildly-successful bestselling author.

This FREE LIVE Web Event is on
Wednesday, October 30th
5:30pm Pacific | 8:30pm Eastern

or listen-in from your telephone!


YES, I want to learn Jack's strategies
for becoming successful as a
transformational trainer.

Register me for the FREE web event 
Wednesday, October 30th
5:30pm PST | 8:30pm EST

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You will also receive a complimentary subscription to Jack's Success Strategies e-zine. We will not share, rent, or sell your information to anyone. Privacy Policy

Who Should Attend This Free Live Web Event:

Trainers, facilitators, professional speakers, coaches, educators, counselors, business consultants, human services professionals, business leaders, managers and anyone else who wants to...

  • Empower others, transform lives and facilitate self-esteem in individuals
  • Become a more effective teacher, trainer and coach
  • Build a brand-new business in the personal development field
  • Accelerate your training or coaching career
  • Be a leader in the human-potential field

What You'll Discover During This Free Web Event:

  • Jack CanfieldWhat’s fueling the world’s hunger for “transformational experiences”
  • Key insights into how the speaking, training, coaching and author business “really works”
  • How developing yourself as an effective trainer will open new opportunities to expand your business  and generate even more  powerful results for your clients
  • Jack’s journey from inner city public school teacher to an award-winning speaker, transformational trainer and celebrated Thought Leader
  • The difference between a “ho-hum” trainer or facilitator and a “transformational” trainer or facilitator
  • The tools you must master so you can help others transform their behavior and achieve their true potential
  • How authors can make more $ by using training, coaching and speaking to “explain their book”
  • A powerful way to overcome any initial discomfort you might feel about putting yourself out there as a speaker, trainer, teacher or coach.
  • What your peers have experienced — both in themselves and with clients — when they shifted from being good trainers, speakers and coaches to facilitating transformational experiences.
  • You’ll also hear all about Jack’s life-mission for developing and mentoring the next generation of human potential trainers via his 2014 Train the Trainer Program ... where he’ll teach you everything he knows about transforming peoples’ lives — including yours.

Whether you’re looking for new ways to grow your business, you want to enter the coaching and training field, or you’re simply passionate about helping your fellow man achieve their potential, join us for this special web event.

Click here now to join Jack Canfield on Wednesday, October 30th

Sponsored by Train the Trainer with Jack Canfield

In 2009, Jack decided it was time to take his work into the world in a bigger way. He’s spent more than 40 years studying the principles of success. He’s impacted millions through his books, speaking appearances, training seminars and coaching programs.

But Jack is only one person. To bring about the types of changes he knows are possible in the world, it's going to take a community of human potential trainers, change managers, corporate leaders and leadership consultants, coaches, educators and more.

That's why each year, Jack personally mentors and trains a small group of no more than 100 people during his annual Train the Trainer  program.  With his international family of Success Trainers and Coaching Professionals expanding, we invite you to see if your skills and passions fit with his mission to help millions connect with their passions, discover their potential and live their dreams.

Click here to Register for this Special Web Event to Learn More